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  • Writer's pictureAlexa Greathouse

A Snatched Suitcase

Updated: Jul 17, 2019

five somewhat useful steps to pack like a pro

I am definitely KNOWN for overpacking and still completely missing the most important aspects of my “must-need” list. But because of this naturally bad habit, I’ve developed ways to pack that have somewhat made my life easier.

And please I definitely don’t have all the answers here so if you have any further advice I would love to hear it all in the comments or dms.

Step one: Location Situation Occasion

Always do your research. This is speaking directing from mistakes that I’ve made multiple times. Showing up to situations that I was “so prepared for” looking like an alien… or more like “who even invited her?” haha ok I’m being dramatic but still it’s better to plan first to not have to think later.

Whenever I’m traveling in a group I always text everyone and ask what our daily itinerary looks like (loosely is bc who sticks to those anyway) just to see what I generally should dress like.

Fun fact: you can’t hike comfortably in a jean skirt… don’t try it.

Step two: bring tons of undies and at least one bikini.

Never underestimate the amount you need. Never ever.

And you don’t need ten bikinis (you want them) but one is always a good idea to throw in with you.

I’ve reached the point in my life where I literally have a bikini designated to live in my car/purse because you literally never know when you’ll need it.

Step three: photoshoot before you board

Get your selfie smile ready ladies and gents because the best way to know how you actually look in that “super trendy fun new idea of an outfit” you packed is to actually try it on and take a photo of yourself.

(fair warning: don't cry if an outfit doesn't work out the way you imagined it on your pinterest themed trip I know it's 3am but black jeans always help)

Also, I’ve found that if you bring multiple shirts for the same shorts or vice versa you can actually remember what the hell you were thinking when you packed it at 3 am the night before.

Step four: ditch the makeup

Look I love a full glam moment, but I do know that we tend to think we need more makeup than we actually do on these trips. (Obviously the exception to this is traveling for formal events) But, most of the time I’m not and this is from my perspective.

Seriously, make a tiny bag of tiny essentials, throw that in your purse and designate it for traveling. If you know your face like the inner beauty guru in you knows that you do this is surprisingly easier than you would think.

ditch the drama ;)

Step five: (and maybe the actual only piece of real advice I have for you) pouches inside of bags inside of suitcases


Pack in your pack. This actually changed my life. I bought a bunch of those reusable grocery bags and pouches (that I do actually use for that too don’t judge) but I also find that for organizing your stuff in a small suitcase this is the best way.

You visibly see the space you’re using up and actually know where that specific sock you have in mind is in your bag.

Also, I find that if I actually put things in individual bags I pack waayyyyy less.

Anyways even if you’re planning a trip to just visit your amigo down the road these tips and tricks really did help me control my impulses of bringing my entire closet every time I leave the house.

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