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  • Writer's pictureAlexa Greathouse

3 Ways To See The Light In Your Life

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

To be honest, I need a reality check from time to time, now is one of those times in my life. If this blog can be that for you (in a positive way of course) then I'm glad to hear it.

I made this collage a few weeks ago and continue to look at it and think of how I chose the images I included. So yes, to every other professional designer's dismay, sometimes I like to mess around with images instead of being intentional with their uses...My design professor would cringe to read this...but anyways the more I look into why I choose each image it becomes clearer. That a lot of my focus right now isn't on the light in my life, I keep looking off into my dreams and fantasies and not being here, HERE, to soak in those real rays of light.

So maybe I did this backwards because I focused on making something that inspired me and then started to write. But that's how I landed on that title you read above because I rediscovered close in a beneficial way is a large focus of mines.

So maybe I did this backwards because I focused on making something that inspired me and then started to write this blog, but that's how I landed on that title you read above because from that flipped process I rediscovered 3 ways to better see the light in life.

1. write out loves and likes

To some, this may seem highly elementary, but to me, if I just do a quick list of things I like and love, and I mean actually like and love not just kinda enjoy, I can see the light in my day start to spark right before me.

There is something powerful about cognitively choosing to see the good. When you're aware of something light and bright in your life, chances are you're going to be looking out for it as you go throughout your day. Or at least remember the moment you took to appreciate it.

2. go outside

Not to be a mom, but your mom was right, it's good for you. I could nerd out on the benefits of endorphins and vitamin D, and maybe I should. But those little guys, well big guys, ARE REAL and can dramatically lift your spirits by just walking out your front door and walking around.

Sometimes when I'm feeling mentally stuck, I open my front door and either sit on my porch or walk up and down my apartment stairs a few times. This gets some fresh blood to my brain and a fresh dose of real sunlight on my skin. It feels right because it's natural.

Also here's my nod to the other use of the word light, actual sunlight tehe.

3. phone a friend

I surround myself with some stellar people, and I've worked hard to instill in myself those same friendship qualities. Part of a great friendship is lighting that fire in each other when you speak. We've all been in conversations that take the actual life out of you, but have you been in the one's that FUEL you? Yea those are amazing.

I have a few close friends that I know without fail a quick phone call, or who am I kidding a long one because I love to talk, can bring a new level of light to my mental state. Sometimes you need to be reminded of the own light you carry, phone a friend that will show you that.

. . .

I hope this sparks up some GLEAMS of light in your life today!

. . .

side note

In efforts to be self-aware, I know this is quite oversimplified so if this isn't enough to bring you out of a dark cloud, I get it, I've been there. These are truly just small pick-me-ups not long-lasting cure-alls. If you're feeling like your situation is greater than what I'm talking about I encourage you to contact someone you trust to discuss getting further help. Because help is the best thing that's happened in my life. Friend to friend we all need therapy, there's no shame in it.

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