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  • Writer's pictureAlexa Greathouse

5 Morning Habits To Stay Inspired

Updated: Jul 14, 2020

As most of you all who read, GLEAMS already know I've been very honest throughout these months of quarantine how hard it has been to stay inspired. To write blog content, to think optimistically, to dream, to put my fingers on these keys, and just type! From the conversations I've been in with loved ones, it seems like I'm not the only one who's in need of a serious reboot during these warm summer months.

I've made it my personal quest this last week to face what I've been avoiding head-on, those doubts, insecurities, and frustrations I'd been telling myself to just ignore. I said this week those are "Priority 1" on my to-do list to solve. I had a lot of hard conversations, hard self-realizations, and even harder nights of rest (because mental exhaustion is real). But coming out of this week for personal growth and interpersonal mending I feel stronger and more present with myself and my surroundings than I have since we heard the words "pandemic."

Wow, that feels good to admit. This time has been ROUGH.

But I've finally put some things in my life to re-center, refocus, and recharge your mind with some fresh inspiration every morning. Because if you center your mind in the morning you'll be more adept to process your present situation rationally.

Ok, let's get into this. Here are 5 Morning Habits To Stay Inspired

Habit #1: Move. First Thing.

I know sounds overly simplified I know. But there's some science to this habit. If you wake up and simply reach over to your alarm every morning you won't trigger the blood flow to the rest of your body. Essentially your body will still be in "sleep mode" and you'll be more inclined to press snooze until you lose the point of a morning routine entirely.

I've started setting my phone across my room when I get into bed at night. (Which also limits my pre-bed screen hours win-win here!!). This also quite literally forces me to jolt up and turn the obnoxious ring off, and then immediately take my dog out. Also, pro tip getting a puppy to wake you up at first-light crying for them to take you out with the impending feeling that if you don't they'll just relieve themselves on your fresh sheets... Ok, you see the motivation here.

But you don't even need a puppy to find this kind of jolt. Find a way that motivates you when you're exhausted and you'll unlock more self-advocacy than simply waking up the right way!

Habit #2: See Some Sunlight.

As I somewhat mentioned above, literally get outside. Another huge shoutout to my new puppy on this one (emotional support animals are real I have proof!). But she gives me the chance to wake up with my surroundings.

I feel the warmth of the morning sun.

Squint my eyes as it overwhelms me in it's contrast to indoor space.

I feel wetness fills my forehead.

It's summer sun, the boiling kind.

I remember I need to run inside and change into something cooler and add spf.

Coco releases a piercing bark towards a neighbor.

We swiftly hop back up the stairs to start the rest of the day.

Actions spur on more action. Do you see the active thoughts my mornings start with? I'm literally getting things done when I first wake up. I love it.

Habit #3: Have A Treat. Desserts Are For Mornings You Can't Prove Me Wrong.

I'm a big-time believer that if you treat yourself with admiration celebrating the new life this day will bring you'll carry that into what you produce. Interpersonally, the work you do, what you create, how you speak to yourself/others, etc.

Find something that excites you to do. It could be yoga, taking an extra long shower, waking up 20-minutes earlier than everyone to be alone, savoring those first-light cuddles with a loved one, whatever it is build space in your mornings for it and DO IT REGULARLY. Chances are your headspace will brighten and inspiration will flow.

For me, I found that making strong coffee and doing an extra-sweaty work out is how I treated myself. That was my ritual, it's my time.

It's a treat to find time to do things you enjoy, until you decide to treat yourself every day. That is when your treat becomes empowering. -Alexa Greathouse

Habit #4: Have A Moment Of Reflection.

It may seem redundant to those of you who read all of the GLEAMS content. But it's lifechanging. To be completely honest I need this reminder every time I write about it here. To build in that time when you start your day to check-in with yourself.

How you're feeling, What you need to do, What you're thankful for, What's stressing you today, What you can actually do today, and Reminding Yourself that you are capable and far more than what you do.

There's even some science to back this up. Start your day gratitude hunting, or as Jennifer Pastiloff says "beauty hunting" and you'll continue that throughout the rest of it. Try it out.

What's beautiful about where you are right now?

Habit #5: Start With The Your Favorite Task.

(WARNING: This is the inverse for some. Just a suggestion because of what I've seen work in my life personally!)

There's always some part of our day that we oddly enjoy, for me, it's doing the dishes, weird I know. But it's the fastest chore and I find it satisfying to see the cleaning results of it immediately. I'm not saying I race to the kitchen sink every morning to do dishes, because I sure don't. But I'm saying it's a great way to start checking off things from your daily list if you start with what you enjoy the most.

I like to start my workflow by doing the same. I choose the task that I find more immediate joy in doing to inspire the rest of my tasks and interactions.

Reminding yourself of what you do well, empowers you to do everything with that same level of gratification and confidence. - Alexa Greathouse

And there we have it! Here are my 5 Morning Habits To Stay Inspired. I hope you enjoy and stay inspired, happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

Love you all lots. This is what GLEAMS is all about.

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