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  • Writer's pictureAlexa Greathouse

My Favorite At Home Workouts

Updated: Jan 6, 2021

Ok so I used to HATE... and I mean HATE working-out at home. I wasn't motivated in that setting and it was oddly distracting, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But then something clicked. Really, I'll accredit it to moving into a place without a gym downstairs, and I just had to change my perspective.

Reasons why I love home workouts now:

1. I don't have to worry about how sweaty I get. It's just you and yourself.

2. I can blare... and I mean blare, whatever music I need to get me motivated. So yes ABBA might be embarrassing to listen in your headphones at the gym but in your living room...Liberating.

3. Find your pace. Something I love about working out at home, and really making it a routine is that some days I want to have an intense session and others I just want something to raise my heartbeat and calm me. You're in full control of that decision when it's just you affected by it.

4. Save so much money. Like so much! Why isn't everyone talking about this?!?!

So I know working out at home is far more fun to do when you get to choose it yourself. Trust me I get it. Since we've been quarantined I've come into my workouts with a totally different headspace. I come to focus on something I have complete control over, it relieves an insane amount of stress. Prior to, I worked out because I knew I needed to.

Not saying that these high levels of stress are good because they aren't. But I've found that my mental health right now has largely and positively affected by my at-home workout routine. And since GLEAMS is here to inspire, I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you!

Starting with intensity... THIS IS IT.

Listen this workout is no joke, come prepared. I love how strong I feel after it. Mixing in rhythm and kickboxing makes me feel like a badass and this one has it all.

Next, sassy!!!

Ok, so dancing like no one is watching is actually good for you. No, it's not just a cliche. I feel SO happy when I do this workout, not only do I feel like I'm dancing in Miami but it gets you moving which sometimes is all you have to do to feel better.


This is such a killer class. Definitely intense, and yes you will be sore the next day but Wowza you'll see results. Isn't that motivation enough?

Now Yoga for whatever you need. I mean that WHATEVER you need.

Yoga With Adriene (this channel) has the yoga practice for nearly every mood you could possibly be in. I love it. Yoga with intention. Plus she seems like the kindest human ever?!

Welp, that's all I have for now. These channels have been filling my days with some fun and productive distractions from the craziness that could fill my screentime.

I hope you all are safe and well during this time.

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